I n f o r m a t i o n E n g i n e e r i n g
IT :: Whatever, Whenever, Wherever ®
(559) 676-3434
Here is partial list of some of our current and past projects:
VM Ware VCenter and Citrix XenCenter/Server Installation
Cloud backup and restore - deployment/management
Cloud based email - syncronize with any smart mobile device
Access/SQL Transaction Processing - Custom Application
Invoice and Inventory Management - Custom Application
Full Network Overhaul - UNIX to Windows Server
Multi-Server Terminal Server Farms - Support and Management
Wireless LAN and WAN with Encryption - Multiple APs in Single Environment
Labor Contracting Services - Custom Application
Website Development and Domain Management
Visual Basic/SQL Custom Data Application for Taxing Authority
AM/FM and GIS - Gas Survey Custom Software Development
Technical Sales Training for Electronics Industry
Y2K Compliance Project - Over 900 PCs in Multiple Locations